What's This Blog All About Then?

I'm on a mission to roadtest ways of overcoming negative body image. For years I have struggled with feeling I don't look 'good enough', I'm too fat or flabby. Even when I was a UK Size 8! During each of my two pregnancies I fell back in love with my body, marvelling at the amazing things it was doing and at my feminine voluptuousness.

Now that my most recent baby has been outside of my body for a while, the mum tum and stretchmarks are starting to bug me. I have decided enough is enough. I want to feel proud of my body like I did when I was pregnant. I don't want to wait until I'm a certain weight or dress size to feel good about the way I look. I want to love my body just the way it is right now. And I want to help other women to love their imperfectly perfect bodies too.

Join me on my quest for a better body image. During my journey to (I hope) total body confidence, I'll be posting useful resources, tips and research on body image and self acceptance. There will also be posts from other people shedding light on how to feel comfortable in the skin you're in - maybe you'd like to send me an article? Contact me at annacolette(at)gmail(dot)com with 'Body Image' in the title.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Body Image Revolution

During an idle Googling session I found this fab site which is currently running a free teleseminar on The Body Image Revolution with speakers who are all experts and activists in the field of body image.

A bunch of inspirational women who are bucking the trend, saying a big "NO!" to the common misconception that thin is healthy and beautiful. To promote body diversity and create resources to help women love their bodies more...now that's something I could really get passionate about.

What a noble cause. After all, which one of us truly loves our body? And how much do we hold back on doing things - being happy, living a life we love - because we're just waiting until our tummy is flatter, thighs thinner, boobs perkier etc etc

Even if we try not to think of it, that nagging voice 'you're not good enough the way you are' is playing on a loop constantly. It is sanctioned by the media with it's unachievable images of one specific body type (a figure that is more common to teenage boys than to grown women incidentally), and our female friends who occasionally bemoan their own figures/weight. Maybe even our husbands or partners (not mine, thankfully) who suggest we lose a bit of weight or say no to that second slice of cake.

I've just listened to Cheryl-Ann Webster, a speaker on The Body Image Revolution. The Beautiful Women Project is her touring art exhibition of 120 life size clay sculptures of real women aged 19-91, each decorated to reflect an aspect of the women’s life journey.

Deemed a “revelation of truth”, the sculptures act as role models for natural beauty, allowing audiences of all ages to compare reality with socially-created, unattainable images of beauty that are portrayed in our culture. Check it out here and start to realise that we are all imperfectly perfect just the way we are.

Vive la revolution!!!

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